Pockets of Positive
How wonderful it is that no one has to wait, but can start right now to gradually change the world.

Anne Frank

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First Pocket of Positive Post!!!!

Hi everyone! This is my first time ever blogging, and I’m not even entirely sure what a blog is. But I am excited you are here, and I thank you for your time in reading this. So, here I go…

Ever wonder what it would be like if people with a positive attitude got together? That’s how POP slowly started. Prior to one of the Presidential elections (a couple now), I noticed that there were more people going on the attack in their ads, instead of saying what they could do to impact things positively. One of my POPper friends and I started talking and, as I mentioned my idea, he jumped on board and POP was named in a restaurant in Nevada, over dinner with my friend and our spouses.

If you’re someone who would like to see positivity and good vibes spreading in the world, and putting those energies into good things, and love, and support, then you are a POPper. This often starts in your own workplace, or school, or home, or just walking down the street or driving your car, where impact can happen every day. It’s a smile, a wave, a nicety, or a million other things that spread the good! And now you’ve entered the world of POP.

Show your Pocket of Positive side (you likely already do if you’re on this site ) and continue the caring, kindness, positivity, and choosing to spread it, instead of jumping on the bandwagon of negativity. Spend some time here, share some of who you are, find links and ways to stay in that good place, and let us know what resources you’d like to see, what we should do better, and your thoughts on how to continue the spread pf the POPpers. And, we also know that it’s not always easy. Hard things happen, bad things happen, and meanness happens. We are here to help counter that when you want.

Welcome, POPper!!

Be nice and be happy!