Pockets of Positive
"The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do."

Kobe Bryant

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Pockets of Positive is a nonprofit website for personal educational purpose only. At Pockets of Positive persons of any age, from children to adults can find stories which inspire, educate and motivate. Pockets of Positive has collection of stories posted /sent by POPpers, new stories, and new visitors who help contributing to a positive world.

I’d like to have DeJa Vu

This section is a lot like the blog. So what differentiates this “Story” area from the blog. Literally it has about the same purpose. Is the blog stories from the Internet and Stories are from POPpers? I’d like to see every human encounter be filling with positivity, kindness and human caring, day after day after day, in all places visited. Deja vu everyday all day!

Kirky Perky

I wish people were like Puppies

I wish people were like puppies. Puppies love everybody. You don’t have to have food, or wealth, or the coolest clothes, or the bestest, newest cellphone. Just have to accept them, pet them, play with them and love them. That’s why I wish people were like puppies. I just wish they wouldn’t lick me quite as much.

Emery Engaging

Why the Hate?

“Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t notice that you were behind me.” Should I have been more aware? I guess so. Some might have been more startled because of the unknown. What is this person going to do? Rob me, hurt me, kidnap me? I agree that we need to be careful in this troubled time, yet if we don’t automatically confront new people with suspicion, maybe the world would be a kinder place. Many people certainly don’t “Hate” someone because they accidentally surprized them or caught them off guard. I certain parts of the country, this is not the case. Don’t those people deserve some kindness first? Yet it is important to be aware of your surroundings and situations but think before you react.

Hilario Helpful